Top 6 Ways to Learn and Get Motivated or “Who wants to go on a Cruise?”

I’ve been on a reading/learning kick for the past few month and we know we need to get motivated. So here are my Top 6 Ways to Learn and Get Motivated.

  1. Jim Rohn – If you’ve not heard of Jim Rohn, I’m very sorry. I recently found him on the recommendation of a friend and he’s changed my outlook toward money and earning. The legacy Jim Rohn left us for personal development will influence people for many years to come. Please, take time to hear him speak and watch his videos. Many of his work is on YouTube and you need to watch him to understand why he’s at the top of my list. Power of Part Time by Jim Rohn on YouTube.
  2. Les Brown – Wow! When I found Les Brown, I was amazed. He brings a fire and a passion to the masses that will get anyone going, no matter what your business or goal. His is a wonderful story of building himself up from very little. He is Mamie Brown’s Baby Boy and he will explain to you why “IT’S POSSIBLE!!!” and “You Gotta Be Hungry!!!” on YouTube.
  3. Family and Friends – Whatever we are doing, don’t forget our “Why”. Don’t forget the family we sacrifice for and our friends who push us. Even if they try to cut us down at times (and they can do both), remember, to keep our family and friends in our life. I want to go out and make money and have security and grow as an individual, but I never want to lose my family and friends. What is the sense in having money and cars and education and neat toys and trips to exotic locations if I turn my back on the people I want to share my life with. You kids will remember how you included them or how you pushed them away. Your buddies won’t like you if you won’t spend time with them. Remember your family and friends.
  4. Mentors – A mentor is anyone who trains, imparts wisdom on and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague. This person can be a coach, a preacher, a father or mother. He or she could be a neighbor, but no matter what the original relationship, this person takes an active interest in your future success. They share hidden bits of knowledge or they will lead you on the path to find the hidden knowledge. Remember, it’s hidden for a reason and a mentor can uncover them for you. Ask questions and get to know someone who is succeeding at what you want to try.
  5. Books and Guru’s – Now this is a combination of options. Jim Rohn and Les Brown can be considered Guru’s, but they are primarily motivational speakers. This list also involves learning and each topic has a couple hundred books written about it and experts in that field. They put thousands of hours of study and experience together so you don’t have to. I’m reading a great book right now by Eric Worre called Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming A Network Marketing Professional. This book has opened my eyes to getting out and talking to people correctly for the right response. I’ve also finished Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad. This book should be in every 8th Grade Finance class. What? The 8th Grade doesn’t have a Finance class? See where I’m going with this?
  6. Internet – This is a given of course. You are reading this using the internet. Right now, there are approx. 1 billion Google searches every day, 300 million Internet users reading blogs, and 2 billion videos viewed daily on YouTube according to a 2010 study and you know those numbers have grown in the past 3 years. {source} At anytime, you can find information about any topic from all over the world with many different view points and with many different opinions. You are bound to find a site the is saying what you want to believe to help you learn the correct way to share your product and get you empowered to make life happen. So get out there and find it. Or if you can find it…Share it. You be the change in the your world.
“Don’t be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar. This can also mean your internal criticism. How many times have we stopped ourselves from doing what we know is right because our internal monologue talked us out of it? Don’t listen to negative. Embrace the positive.

As always, please Contact me for information on savings and earnings for you, your family and small business. And also, “Who wants to go on a Cruise?” I DO!!! I’ll let you in on how to go on a cruise. This is a very limited time offer and I need to hear from you soon. I believe you can do it.

Why? How? Now!

Why? That’s what we all ask. Why? Why do we need to change? Why can we make a difference? Why do I want to change my life? People want to know Why we are doing what we do. It’s a valid request. I believe our “Why” has to be big enough to push ourselves to change.
I have a “Why”. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and as you all know, medical bills are outrageous and we need more income. It was a wake up call for me. I won’t get rich sitting in a cube working for other people. I put in 45+ hours a week and it’s not building me anything beyond a paycheck. I know what I make each year and I know it’s shrinking everyday. Gas goes up, movie prices go up and health insurance goes up. I’m tired of saying “I can’t Afford that.” I want to say “I’m going to find out How to Afford that”. I see people around me doing better and I want in on it. I’m tired of telling people ‘No’ because of money or the lack there of. I’m tired of carrying a loan balance. I would rather be tired from working hard than financial frustrations. Most of us know and live with the fact that we could be out of a job at anytime. The plan to work 40 hours a week for 40 years then retiring isn’t the norm anymore. We all need to have a back up plan.

I am tired of not living to my full potential or even half of my potential. 2 months ago, I was at the exact same place I was 5 years ago and I don’t want to be in that place anymore. I need a change. Don’t be in the same place a year from now. I have helped people all my life and I’ve found a way to help people earn a part time income to assist my full time job. You can do it, too. I have faith in you. Give it a shot and start doing something.

My story isn’t different than others and it’s lived everyday. We work hard and spend our time for a company or someone else, at the same time, we don’t set aside enough money for ourselves, our kids or our future. I believe we can set extra aside for our fortune with a part time job; a plan B. The potential to add Thousands of dollars a year to your pocket is here. We just have to make it happen. Make the change and step out into the world with your own part time business. I will help you and I can show you how. Contact me and I believe and I know you can change your life.

Jim Rohn says: If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.

He also reminds us: “I’m working full-time on my job and part time on my fortune.  But it won’t be long before I’m working full-time on my fortune. . . can you imagine what my life will look like?”

Can you imagine what your life will be like?

Top 6 Things I Learned Co-Hosting Outside the Cinema

Here are the Top 6 Things I Learned Co-hosting Outside the Cinema with Bill By Force and Mr. Chris. For those of you who aren’t aware, Outside The Cinema is a weekly podcast that focuses on different forms of cult movies; anything from Horror to Exploitation and Noir to Martial Arts and back. They have been doing this for over 4 years and do not miss an episode. Even multiple back surgeries don’t keep these guys away from putting on a show every week along with bonus episodes like the recent Adam Greene interview and the occasional music podcast for some variety. The show also has segments by Reverend Scott and Eric Reanimator. Scott is notorious for twisted humor and Eric is a deep backlog of music history. This team and their show is a great learning experience for anyone ready to start their own business. These are my Top 6 Things I Learned Co-Hosting Outside the Cinema.

6. DO IT! Here is what matters in life. Living it. Making things happen. Don’t let it happen around you. If you want to do anything, if you want something to happen, if you want that special moment…Make it happen. You do it! Bill and Chris saw other podcasts and said, “I want to do it”. He did it. If you want something, go for it. It won’t drop in your lap and no one will give it to you.

5. It’s Work. The great shows don’t come easy. Bill and Chris along with Reverend Scott and Eric work hard to put a great show out for the fans and friends who listen. We the listener take for granted just how much work goes on behind the scenes before the mics are even turned on. I’m not creative enough to even guess at how many hours Rev. Scott has to sift through for his time. The editing Eric does adds up quickly and Bill and Chris have to watch some pretty bad movies. All combine to put a great show, but it comes from work. The good news is that it pays off. Maybe not financially, but they prove doing something you love for people you care about adds to your life. Nothing comes easy and it requires work.

4. Take Care of Your Customer. We don’t pay for the show. It’s a free download and I don’t have to sign up for anything. But that doesn’t matter, because the guys take care of us. If someone puts their trust in you and your business, remember to take care of them. If the guys stopped thinking about the fans and their friends, it wouldn’t take long for their listeners to find someone else to spend their time on. Same holds true for your customers. Treat them right and remember they are why we do what we do; to help others. If you don’t take care of them, someone else will. OTC takes care of us, that’s why we come back for more.

3. Tell a Story. Every week, I hear new stories from OTC. They review 2 movies, they have a new top 6 list, Eric drops music knowledge and Scott makes us laugh. They tell stories. As a business owner or marketer or whatever you do that attracts others, you must tell stories. People love stories. We don’t hear facts and figures as much as we love to hear stories that motivate us and cause others to follow us. People are asking 3 questions: “Who are you? What do you have? And Why should I care?” As they listen to you, they are thinking: “Can I do this?” and “Is it worth it?” Your story and experience will motivate them to join you or contract with you. Bill and Chris tell their stories and we want to come back each week because we want to know more of what they have experienced.

2. Use the Internet. This may seem like an easy thing to know already, but this show couldn’t work 10 years ago…maybe even 7 years ago. The technology and society have merged online. Get your business online and interacting with customers from many different walks of life using the internet. I still hear people today, “It won’t work online”. Really? Stories can be told online. Pictures and videos are used everyday to promote goods and services on a personal level. The internet isn’t going anywhere and the longer you stay off of it, the farther back you will be playing catch up. I sat in Bowling Green, Ky and interacted with the guys near Boston. Even with some minor tech issues at first, we were able to make a connection and if you can make a connection, you can make a sell.

1.Be Excited About Yourself. This was my regret. I love this site and I love what I do, but at the end of the show, I didn’t come off as excited as I usually am. I had an outlet to share my excitement and I was worried about coming off too enthusiastic. It’s better to regret the things you did, than the things you didn’t do. And I didn’t show my excitement given the opportunity. And rightly, Bill called me out on it. That taught me a lesson. Sell yourself. Sell your business and be excited for yourself. If you are able to get an audience, let them know what you believe and get them excited. Use your stories to cause curiosity and excitement to stir them into joining you and your business.

Did I have a great time with the OTC guys? Oh yeah. I really loved doing it and I hope this article didn’t come off as an ego stroke for the guys, but if you look at circumstances from the correct angle you can learn new lessons.

Thanks again to Bill Fulkerson and Christopher Bricklemyer for their time and a wonderful show. I was on Show #277 for anyone curious. Their shows can be downloaded on iTunes and you can watch live at

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

Outside the Cinema


Why Did You Decide To Start Your Own Business?

Why Did You Decide To Start Your Own Business? I’ve been asked this a few times. I can explain the Tax Deductions or I can explain the money, but then I can explain the savings I have to offer and I can explain helping others. But I always have to explain the big WHY! Because I’m tired of watching my yearly money shrink. With inflation going thru the roof, we worry about gas prices going up every day and health care taking a bigger bite from our paycheck every time the insurance companies decide they need more money. And don’t forget, we are never guaranteed another week at our Primary job. “Why Did You Decide To Start Your Own Business?” I want more than what a regular 9-5 paycheck offers. I want to share my belief with everyone. We can save and we can earn for us. We can show others how to have control again of their future and their fortune.

There are a few things I want to do, but there are a few things I don’t want that my own business provides. I don’t want to worry about money so much. I don’t want to tell my kids “I can’t afford that.” I don’t want to feel I can’t find a way to make things happen. I don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck. A second job helps to fill those gaps. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. It’s hard, but it’s possible. Don’t let them tell you it won’t work. Ask me how. Ask me what I have to offer. Ask me “Why did you decide to start your own business?” and I’ll explain more.

Is it easy? No, but nothing worth doing ever is. However, I believe you can do it. I believe we can share in our success and I believe your hard work and a great plan will get us there. Contact me and find out what I have for you, your family, and small business.

Tony Robbins has a great plan for Financial Freedom.

What Makes Us Ambitious?

What makes us Ambitious? What makes us get out of bed in the morning and do that thing we do? Where does the drive come from and why does it happen to some of us later than others? Do you know that one guy or girl who has the drive to accomplish anything? And are you the type of person who just lays back and just let life happen and you watch it go by? What makes us ambitious? What makes the difference between the go-getters,  the lay-abouts and those of us in-between?

I’ve asked a lot of questions here, but isn’t that how we find answers, by asking the right questions. Something motivates us all, but it’s not the same thing or to the same intensity. Some people can’t be bothered by accumulating wealth, money doesn’t interest them, but they will run for hours and workout all day. They are motivated for health and attaining the physical goal, but financial isn’t part of it. Conversely, there are people who can describe every level of the latest Super Mario or God of War video games in order. They don’t feel the ambition to run a 5K or gain millions of dollars, but they have ambition. Just because a person’s ambition isn’t the same as ours, doesn’t mean they aren’t ambitious, just means it’s different. We all have a different journey. Where is your ambition taking you?

With ambition, comes motivation. Or is it the other way around? What makes us Ambitious can be answered by asking “what motivates us?”

Are you worried about your financial future? Do you hate the thought of doing without? Are you after the latest phone? Do you need things? I can’t answer these questions. These are personal. You have to look inside yourself and come up with that answer.

If you want some other hints and a great insight, try out Jeffery Kluger’s new article, Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed.

If you want savings and extra income, let me know. If you are looking for a secondary revenue stream, contact me and I’ll share with you a great way to open yourself up and get motivation and ambition flowing. Then when someone ask you, “what makes us Ambitious”? You’ll have your answer for them.

When Is A Great Time to Start a Business? It’s Early…Get Started Now!

When is a Great Time to Start a Business? It’s Early…Get Started Now! Or maybe it’s too late? Don’t lie to yourself, it’s very rarely too late. Can we wait for the perfect time to start a business? Can we wait to lose that weight? Can we put off till tomorrow that change we know is needed? Believe we can’t wait. I say, Now is the time. Now is happening. Nike says, “Just Do It.” They are right. Get out there and do whatever it is you want. Make it happen. Tomorrow never gets here, but we can plan for our future by doing today. NOW!

I believe now is the time to start. I believe we can profit from savings and earnings along with our primary job. I’ve discussed Tax Deductions, I’ve discussed following our dreams. I believe we need a Second Income to help us and our family. I feel strongly that we will make a difference in people’s lives if we just share what we have. Join my team and learn what it takes to save money and earn for your family and business. Start today. If you hesitate, you lose, but if you jump to the challenge, you will win or at least learn to win. We fail because we aim too low and hit our target.

Contact me today and I’ll share my beliefs for savings and earnings.

Here is a video of one of the great legends in motivational speakers. Listen and realize, you can do it. “It’s Possible!” – Les Brown

Why Don’t We Quit?

Why Don’t We Quit? It’s a valid question for some people. Why don’t we just give up and take the easy route? Why do we keep doing that “thing” that seems to have no end or no “Light at the End of the Tunnel”? Why? Why Don’t We Quit?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about doing the same thing over and over again expecting the same result; that’s crazy. I’m talking about striving for a dream and a goal that you know is right for you and your family, but is just out of reach. The type of dream that others tell you isn’t right or isn’t possible, but you know it will work. Why do we keep going? Why Don’t We Quit?

We keep going because to stop and give up means we fail ourselves. It means we let ourselves down. The thought of giving up again repulses us to our core and to return to the ordinary and average makes me chilled. I don’t want to stay like this. I don’t want to be “normal” anymore. I want to be rewarded for my deeds. But for some people, giving up isn’t even a factor. The ones who keep going and never show their doubt. I admit, sometimes I forget they are human with doubts and flaws, but they make it seem so easy to just stick with it and never give up.

Why Don’t We Quit? We must remember what Les Brown has said,

There are winners, there are losers and there are people who have not yet learned to win.”

Why Don’t We Quit? Because, I’m still learning how to win, but I’m not giving up.

Remember, Contact me to learn more about what savings and earnings I have you, your family and business.


Motivation: We all need it. I went thru a lack of motivation in the past two days and what brought me around? I talked to friends who believe in me. Surrounding ourselves with friends and family who believe in us is a wonderful way to keep our focus and motivated to go out and do our job. We also need to go out of our way to find and keep contact with successful people. It’s amazing how much lack of motivation could also be a lack of confidence. If we are worried or have doubt forming, our motivation drops. Motivation is nearly a direct result of positivity. The more positive energy around us, the more success we will find. Staying positive isn’t easy. But remember, positive attracts. Negative repels. Smile and you will be happy. Say nice things and nice things will be said to you. Stay positive. I’ve learned to increase my motivation by watching or listening to Motivational Speakers. Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and the legendary Zig Ziggler are all wonderful and available on YouTube for a quick watch to get your blood pumping,  confidence built and motivation growing.

Contact me for savings and extra earnings.

Check out TheHappinessNetwork’s YouTube of Jim Rohn’s Do The Best You Can

Savings and Earnings Wrapped Up for You, Your Family and Small Business

Hello and welcome to my website and business: Brown Support. My name is Steve Brown and I’m excited to share my opportunity to spread savings and added income to anyone who wants to add to their life. The time we live in requires us to save money and have added revenue streams. I have the key to both extra savings and extra earnings. This key can provide the ability in today’s economy to help individuals, families, and businesses put thousands of dollars back into their pockets as many like-minded Americans have already done by increased savings and improved earnings.

What I offer is a way to save on many different aspects of purchases along with earning more on a secondary income. Below, you will find a quick easy step to find your life changing opportunity with me and my team. Don’t delay. Do it now to create your future of savings and earnings. 125

Contact me for a chance to change your life: