Unchain The Elephant Book Review BrownSupport Ep 55

Unchain the Elephant. This month’s Success Club brought me a great book to get thru your limiting beliefs and let your passion loose to move you further and make the life change you desire. Erik Wahl helps you expand your personal belief and opens you to gaining and fighting for your success.

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Discipline for Results BrownSupport Ep: 54

Discipline trumps motivation every time. Daily Activity that produces results will win you more than your thoughts and dreams. Get out and do something everyday to attain your goal. Consistency is the key.

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My Toastmasters Speech #7: Top 5 Tax Deductions for a Home Based Business Ep. 53

Top 5 Tax Deductions
“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs,”
1. Mileage and vehicle maintenance: Any time you go to a prospect’s house or you are running errands for the business, all that is tax deductions. Once you leave your primary work to go to someone’s house or business to work on your home based business, that’s a tax deduction. Keep track of all your mileage, but at the same time, keep track of your maintenance. Now, sometimes you have to choose one or the other. Now, I personally use mileage, mainly because of the areas I go to trying to spread out to as many people as possible. Also because we have our “Super Saturday” we have our events, that’s a ways off, mileage adds up. The IRS has pretty good mileage rates so definitely go with mileage, in my opinion.
2. Travel related expenditures: Not just mileage. For example, I went to the Eric Wory’s Go-Pro Network Mastery event. Of course, I flew out there, that’s travel, I got to stay at Bali’s that’s travel, the event itself counts also. All of those travel expenditures count as tax deductions. Now, you’ve also got food, 50% of food counts, if you are paying for somebody else’s, if you are doing a business expense, that counts also, so if you are going for work, if you are going for that secondary home based business, then, that’s a tax deduction. Now, they don’t say but you had fun on the side. No, no, they say if you are going somewhere for a business, you get to pay or you get to use that as a tax deduction. So, keep that in mind as one of my favorite ones because I love to travel and I love spreading my ideas and savings I can get other people.
3. Personal insurance: If you are able to go through and keep your home based business as your primary business use of health care and your personal insurance, then you can work with the IRS and use that as a tax deduction. This also works for social security.
4. Computers and other electronics: If you are buying programs just for your home office, if you are buying a computer, if you are purchasing laptops, if you are getting special projectors, whatever, if that falls into it, again, tax deduction. If you’ve got a special program that you are a member of, then you want to use that as a tax deduction. You want to be able to say, “I spend this much on my business’ laptop, or ipad or iphone or whatever it is. Now, also, thrown in there, your telephone bill can be thrown in there also as a tax deduction.
5. Training and training materials: Warren Buffet was asked, “What’s the major investment that people need to make?” Without hesitation, the main investment should be in yourself. If you invest in yourself you will reap benefits and rewards for yourself for years to come.

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Toastmaster: If You Want Something Bad Enough Ep 52

I was Toastmaster for the Thoroughbred Toastmasters in Bowling Green, Ky.

If you want something bad enough – Les Brown
“If you want a thing bad enough to go out
and fight for it,
to work day and night for it,
to give up your time, your peace and your sleep for it…
if all that you dream and scheme is about it,
and life seems useless and worthless without it…
if you gladly sweat for it and fret for it and plan for it
and lose all your terror of the opposition for it…
if you simply go after that thing you want
with all of your capacity, strength and sagacity,
faith, hope and confidence and stern pertinacity…
if neither cold, poverty, famine, nor gout,
sickness nor pain, of body and brain,
can keep you away from the thing that you want…
if dogged and grim you beseech and beset it,
with the help of God, you will get it!”
—Les Brown

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Toastmasters: Our Deepest Fear Ep 51

Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

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I Choose Not to Be A Common Man: Toastmaster for Toastmasters

I Choose Not To Be a Common Man by Theodore Roosevelt

It’s my choice to be uncommon if I can
I’ll seek opportunity not security
I do not wish to be a kept citizen humbled
And dulled by having the state look after me
I want to take the calculated risk to dream
And to build, to fail and to succeed
I’ll refuse to live from hand to mouth
I’ll prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence
The thrill of fulfillment to the calm of utopia
I will never cower before any master
Nor bend to any friend
It is my heritage to stand erect, proud
And unafraid, to think and act for myself
And face the world boldly and say
This I have done by the help of God.
-Theodore Roosevelt

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Methods of Communication with Toastmasters (I cut my head off)

This was my #6 speech for Toastmasters. As you can see, I didn’t angle the camera correctly and cut my head off. I received a very good evaluation and response from the audience. Please use this information when going out and prospecting or sharing what you have. Don’t just act excited…Be Excited!

Remember, Go out and believe in what you have.

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Don’t let life’s little issues weigh you down and stop you from your goals. So often we forget that time does pass and troubles will pass. Hard times are like the season in that they will change and move and when looking back we will see them from new eyes and a better, more developed mind and spirit.

Never give up.

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Get Over Your Fear

The only thing stopping me was distractions. I let the excuse of life stop me from creating a beautiful future for my family. My internal fears and limiting beliefs talked me out of my greatness. Don’t let your fear control you. Fear is our imagination. It’s not real.

Whatever plans and dreams you have; Begin Now.

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Did You Talk Yourself Out of Your Greatness?

We can talk ourselves out doing what we need to better ourselves. We do it all the time by making up little stories in our heads and by letting life distract us from doing what really matters. Don’t let our selfishness keep us from helping and saving others. Go out and do what you must do to build your future.

Become the person you want to be. Go out and make it happen.

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Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.