ET The Hip Hop Preacher

Check out Eric Thomas: The Hip Hop Preacher. Worth every second.

You may Contact Me or email me at and follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

I’m Guilty of Listening to that Little Voice. Time to Stop Listening.

Don’t listen. Make your own mind up. Say Yes to your goals and be happy.

You may Contact Me or email me at I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

Eric Worre’s A Call To Action!

This is Eric Worre’s a Call To Action. A wonderful and inspirational speech on making a change in your life and our country.

For more information about Eric Worre, check out his great site: NetworkMarketingPro.

This speech really spoke to me and I hope you get as much from it, also.You may email me at I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

I Went to Convention!

This past weekend I was in Orlando, Florida for my company’s Summer National Convention. I had a wonderful time. I met so many new people and connected with people I only talked with on the phone. I ran into people I had met at other events yet we talked like it was yesterday. The convention opened up my possibilities. I saw first hand so many people whose lives have been changed by taking a chance and going for greatness. Here are some of the things I learned from Convention.

  •  To make a difference: Be Different. If you continue to perform “Average”; you will be average. You must perform at a high level to get a high result. Go all out and BE ALL IN! If you do; DO IT!!!
  • Treat it like a business and work it like a job. This is your future you are working on. Don’t take a day off and expect to get paid. It’s too early. Go out there and talk to people. Get out there and push yourself. You can rest later.
  • Be authentic with people. Don’t be fake. Be sincere with others and help where you can. This profession is to help each other grow and learn for the future.
  • Control your emotions, control your attitude and the more positive you are, the more you will attract. Positive Attracts while negative repels. Be the attraction you desire.
  • Speedier the Leader; Speedier the Group. You set the Pace for your team. If you talk to 2 people a month, they will also. If you show your business 4 days a week; they will know to show it 4 days a week.
  • SINALOA: Safety In Numbers And Law Of Averages. Remember, If you want more milk, don’t squeeze harder…Get more Cows. The more people you talk with, the better your outcome. If you get 1 out of 10 people to sign, then you need to talk with 50 people to get 5. Get out and meet people and show your tools.

The things I learned at convention can’t compare to the feeling and belief I now have for my company. The confidence I have for us and our resources has been hugely increased. The pride I now have in what we have to offer is through the roof. If your company has a convention; GO! You will see your belief increase, you will feel your confidence rise and your loyalty to your friends and family in your business deepen.
You may email me at I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it. Steve at convention

I’m going to Convention!

I’m going to Convention! Really I am. I am fortunate to have a wonderful friend and ally who is looking out for me and she has made it possible for me to get to Orlando, Florida for our Convention. With work and scheduling, I’m going to fly down on Thursday night and fly home on Sunday evening. I’m really looking forward to going. I need a recharge and at the same time I need to learn. I want to increase my knowledge so I can reach out and help my friends and neighbors. I know the local businesses and families have so much to gain from my service. I also will be able share the way to make more money for people that work hard and help others.

The Convention is a place to learn and reinvigorate from our group and team. Don’t take this lightly. Remember the old fashioned church revival? That was a way for like minded people to get together and rekindle their faith and belief. The Convention is the same thing. We come together and remind ourselves why we are here and why we help others and to prove to each other, It’s Possible.

My company uses it’s Convention to show us all the new savings we offer and more ways to share our stories. It’s gives the new blood like me the chance to rub elbows with the big leaders and movers and shakers that lead the way and stand as an example for the rest of us. As they say, If you want to go to the top, you have to go to convention. I’m going and when I get back. I will start my 90 plan. I’ll see you at the top.


You may email me at I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

I Choose Not To Be A Common Man

It’s my choice to be uncommon if I can

I’ll seek opportunity not security

I do not wish to be a kept citizen humbles

And dulled by having the state look after me

I want to take the calculated risk to dream

And to build, to fail and to succeed

I’ll refuse to live from hand to mouth

I’ll prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence

The thrill of fulfillment to the calm of utopia

I will never cower before any master

Nor bend to any friend

It is my heritage to stand erect, proud

And unafraid, to think and act for myself

And face the world boldly and say

This I have done by the help of God.

-Theodore Roosevelt


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Thank you for checking my page.You may email me at I will get back with you as soon as possible.Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

I turned 41 on the 5th of July.

I turned 41 on the 5th of July. I’m sorry for the long absence. With the 4th of July holiday festivities, time off from work and my 41st birthday, I’ve been quite busy. This weekend was interesting. We had rain every day except Sunday that caused my original plans to be canceled. So what did I do? I did something else. I was productive. I did clean up and I worked around the house. I then called some contacts and got myself moving. I ended up spending my birthday with a houseful of relatives who I don’t get to spend enough time with. I made the best of what I had at the time. Did I do everything I could have done? No, but I’m not going to beat myself up over. I enjoyed what was happening and I didn’t look at the negative. So many times, we look at what might have been and judge our situations by what we think should have happened. But, things are better for us when we look at what is and look at how things are. Focus on reality. Don’t let yourself say “If Only…”, this causes us to second guess yourself and dwell on “Might Have Been’s”.

This has been a short article, but I want you to remember, life is too short to have “If Only’s” and “Might Have Been’s”. Keep going, make things happen and don’t give up.

As always, Contact me for Saving and Earning for you, your family and business. Also, Help the site out by shopping here. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

Whatever you want to do, DO IT!

Whatever you want to do, DO IT! That’s it. Just get off your butt and get doing it. Make your life happen and don’t listen to that stupid voice that says you can’t or they won’t listen to you. Don’t believe when others say it can’t be done. Don’t let anyone tell you, “You Can’t!” YOU CAN!!! Get out there and do it. If you have a dream, follow it. If you have a desire, work for it. I want you to see more of life than the same familiar streets. Make a change for you and your family. Don’t hesitate. If you hesitate, doubt creeps in and doubt is evil’s biggest weapon. Don’t listen to the excuses in your head. Don’t let another person’s beliefs control your actions. You have a dream and you can do it. Live today. Whatever you want to do, DO IT!

Do you need motivation? Here it is: How Bad Do You Want It?


Again, Contact me and I’ll help show you what I believe you can do for you and your family.

Top 6 Ways to Learn and Get Motivated or “Who wants to go on a Cruise?”

I’ve been on a reading/learning kick for the past few month and we know we need to get motivated. So here are my Top 6 Ways to Learn and Get Motivated.

  1. Jim Rohn – If you’ve not heard of Jim Rohn, I’m very sorry. I recently found him on the recommendation of a friend and he’s changed my outlook toward money and earning. The legacy Jim Rohn left us for personal development will influence people for many years to come. Please, take time to hear him speak and watch his videos. Many of his work is on YouTube and you need to watch him to understand why he’s at the top of my list. Power of Part Time by Jim Rohn on YouTube.
  2. Les Brown – Wow! When I found Les Brown, I was amazed. He brings a fire and a passion to the masses that will get anyone going, no matter what your business or goal. His is a wonderful story of building himself up from very little. He is Mamie Brown’s Baby Boy and he will explain to you why “IT’S POSSIBLE!!!” and “You Gotta Be Hungry!!!” on YouTube.
  3. Family and Friends – Whatever we are doing, don’t forget our “Why”. Don’t forget the family we sacrifice for and our friends who push us. Even if they try to cut us down at times (and they can do both), remember, to keep our family and friends in our life. I want to go out and make money and have security and grow as an individual, but I never want to lose my family and friends. What is the sense in having money and cars and education and neat toys and trips to exotic locations if I turn my back on the people I want to share my life with. You kids will remember how you included them or how you pushed them away. Your buddies won’t like you if you won’t spend time with them. Remember your family and friends.
  4. Mentors – A mentor is anyone who trains, imparts wisdom on and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague. This person can be a coach, a preacher, a father or mother. He or she could be a neighbor, but no matter what the original relationship, this person takes an active interest in your future success. They share hidden bits of knowledge or they will lead you on the path to find the hidden knowledge. Remember, it’s hidden for a reason and a mentor can uncover them for you. Ask questions and get to know someone who is succeeding at what you want to try.
  5. Books and Guru’s – Now this is a combination of options. Jim Rohn and Les Brown can be considered Guru’s, but they are primarily motivational speakers. This list also involves learning and each topic has a couple hundred books written about it and experts in that field. They put thousands of hours of study and experience together so you don’t have to. I’m reading a great book right now by Eric Worre called Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming A Network Marketing Professional. This book has opened my eyes to getting out and talking to people correctly for the right response. I’ve also finished Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad. This book should be in every 8th Grade Finance class. What? The 8th Grade doesn’t have a Finance class? See where I’m going with this?
  6. Internet – This is a given of course. You are reading this using the internet. Right now, there are approx. 1 billion Google searches every day, 300 million Internet users reading blogs, and 2 billion videos viewed daily on YouTube according to a 2010 study and you know those numbers have grown in the past 3 years. {source} At anytime, you can find information about any topic from all over the world with many different view points and with many different opinions. You are bound to find a site the is saying what you want to believe to help you learn the correct way to share your product and get you empowered to make life happen. So get out there and find it. Or if you can find it…Share it. You be the change in the your world.
“Don’t be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar. This can also mean your internal criticism. How many times have we stopped ourselves from doing what we know is right because our internal monologue talked us out of it? Don’t listen to negative. Embrace the positive.

As always, please Contact me for information on savings and earnings for you, your family and small business. And also, “Who wants to go on a Cruise?” I DO!!! I’ll let you in on how to go on a cruise. This is a very limited time offer and I need to hear from you soon. I believe you can do it.

Why? How? Now!

Why? That’s what we all ask. Why? Why do we need to change? Why can we make a difference? Why do I want to change my life? People want to know Why we are doing what we do. It’s a valid request. I believe our “Why” has to be big enough to push ourselves to change.
I have a “Why”. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and as you all know, medical bills are outrageous and we need more income. It was a wake up call for me. I won’t get rich sitting in a cube working for other people. I put in 45+ hours a week and it’s not building me anything beyond a paycheck. I know what I make each year and I know it’s shrinking everyday. Gas goes up, movie prices go up and health insurance goes up. I’m tired of saying “I can’t Afford that.” I want to say “I’m going to find out How to Afford that”. I see people around me doing better and I want in on it. I’m tired of telling people ‘No’ because of money or the lack there of. I’m tired of carrying a loan balance. I would rather be tired from working hard than financial frustrations. Most of us know and live with the fact that we could be out of a job at anytime. The plan to work 40 hours a week for 40 years then retiring isn’t the norm anymore. We all need to have a back up plan.

I am tired of not living to my full potential or even half of my potential. 2 months ago, I was at the exact same place I was 5 years ago and I don’t want to be in that place anymore. I need a change. Don’t be in the same place a year from now. I have helped people all my life and I’ve found a way to help people earn a part time income to assist my full time job. You can do it, too. I have faith in you. Give it a shot and start doing something.

My story isn’t different than others and it’s lived everyday. We work hard and spend our time for a company or someone else, at the same time, we don’t set aside enough money for ourselves, our kids or our future. I believe we can set extra aside for our fortune with a part time job; a plan B. The potential to add Thousands of dollars a year to your pocket is here. We just have to make it happen. Make the change and step out into the world with your own part time business. I will help you and I can show you how. Contact me and I believe and I know you can change your life.

Jim Rohn says: If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.

He also reminds us: “I’m working full-time on my job and part time on my fortune.  But it won’t be long before I’m working full-time on my fortune. . . can you imagine what my life will look like?”

Can you imagine what your life will be like?