This past weekend I was in Orlando, Florida for my company’s Summer National Convention. I had a wonderful time. I met so many new people and connected with people I only talked with on the phone. I ran into people I had met at other events yet we talked like it was yesterday. The convention opened up my possibilities. I saw first hand so many people whose lives have been changed by taking a chance and going for greatness. Here are some of the things I learned from Convention.
- To make a difference: Be Different. If you continue to perform “Average”; you will be average. You must perform at a high level to get a high result. Go all out and BE ALL IN! If you do; DO IT!!!
- Treat it like a business and work it like a job. This is your future you are working on. Don’t take a day off and expect to get paid. It’s too early. Go out there and talk to people. Get out there and push yourself. You can rest later.
- Be authentic with people. Don’t be fake. Be sincere with others and help where you can. This profession is to help each other grow and learn for the future.
- Control your emotions, control your attitude and the more positive you are, the more you will attract. Positive Attracts while negative repels. Be the attraction you desire.
- Speedier the Leader; Speedier the Group. You set the Pace for your team. If you talk to 2 people a month, they will also. If you show your business 4 days a week; they will know to show it 4 days a week.
- SINALOA: Safety In Numbers And Law Of Averages. Remember, If you want more milk, don’t squeeze harder…Get more Cows. The more people you talk with, the better your outcome. If you get 1 out of 10 people to sign, then you need to talk with 50 people to get 5. Get out and meet people and show your tools.
The things I learned at convention can’t compare to the feeling and belief I now have for my company. The confidence I have for us and our resources has been hugely increased. The pride I now have in what we have to offer is through the roof. If your company has a convention; GO! You will see your belief increase, you will feel your confidence rise and your loyalty to your friends and family in your business deepen.
You may email me at I will get back with you as soon as possible.
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