Darren Hardy on Motivation

I’m going to see Darren Hardy at Convention in 2 weeks and I’m really looking forward to it. Here is a small taste of what we will see.

There is just a sample of what we will see. I can’t wait.

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Convention Overview…More to Follow

This is a quick overview of a few things that got my attention and like always, I will have more detailed videos in the weeks to come.

I’ll have more later and I’m working on not being a hypocrite…more on that later, also.

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Service to many Leads to Greatness…

Service to many leads to greatness…

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

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The Four Agreements

This past weekend, a friend recommended a book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Amazing book about getting rid so self-limiting beliefs.

Don’t let old memories from a child that doesn’t exist anymore control what you can and will do with your life. Be free. Decide to do anything.

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

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