It’s Been Too Long. So much has happened.

Why have I been gone so long from my website?

Honestly, I just let the time fly by. So much has happened in the past year. I got married to lovely lady, Gretchen. My son graduated from High School and has gone onto Murray University. He’s doing well and it’s been an interesting change for the family. But, a good change. My daughter is working full-time and is getting ready to move out on her own.

But why has it been so long? A combination of things distracted me to say the least. The biggest situation has been the diagnosis on my father; Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Sadly, it’s hit him pretty hard and it’s been my job to take care of him. I don’t mind, but it does require me to change some priorities. Such is life. He’s staying positive and does his treatments a couple of times a month and it’s noticeably taking it’s toll on his body.

What I ran into felt like a waking dream. I just didn’t realize how much time was passing from my last post to now. I would check my site and just didn’t notice it had been Sept of 2016 for my last post. However, things are back in motion.

This has been a big change. How big? Recently, my wife has moved to Pennsylvania and I’ve been spending time up there. This has caused me to separate from my full time job to help take care of Dad and be able to spend time up there with her. I’ve been fortunate in this change and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

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Personal Development EP #108

This bright sunny Friday morning motivated me to give some Personal Development advice. Remember: No matter what…Improve Daily.

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4 Tips from Warren Buffett Ep 93

Warren Buffett is the quintessential investor and when he talks, people listen. Here are 4 words of wisdom from his interviews I used at a recent Investors Meeting.
1. Be Decisive
2. Be Willing To Be Different
3. Be Persistent
4. Bet On America: Be Positive

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Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

April Showers Bring May Flowers Ep: 91

It rains on the just and the unjust alike. Don’t let the bad times and the showers of life distract you from the vision you have of your future and your life. You have greatness and to let others’ opinions break your dreams is a crime and you commit it against yourself. The showers will come and the struggles will arrive, but remember, “No Test: No Testimony!” You decide your fate. You make it happen. You are the one to help others and lead them through.

LIKE me on Facebook: BrownSupport

Subscribe to me on YouTube:Steve Brown/BrownSupport

Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Share: No Regrets Ep 88

How often have we stopped ourselves from helping others because we worried about our feelings? So many times we create a story in our mind that talks us out of our greatness. Have No Regrets by doing the right thing every time to help others and expand our lives and theirs. Don’t let your self-limiting beliefs talk you out of changing someone’s future for the better.


I Challenge you to join me in the Project 10 Challenge.

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Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Be the Person You Want to Be. Ep 76

Be The person you want to be. Don’t let your limiting beliefs stop you from being that wonderful Greatness you have inside. It is said, Hell is meeting the person you should have been, but didn’t decide to be. Have you met that person? I have. It’s upset me, but I’ve learned we have an “AND” life. He can have a great life AND I can have a great life. We can be charitable AND Rich. We can help others AND be well off. We can sacrifice AND have a great life. Our Goals are still there AND we can reach them.

LIKE me on Facebook: BrownSupport

Subscribe to me on YouTube:Steve Brown/BrownSupport

Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

Create Great Habits Ep 69

We are what we think about and what we think about becomes our habits. What we do over and over again becomes what we are. If we are repeating Great things, the we are great, but if we repeat mediocre things, then we are mediocre. Average is learned…but so is Excellence. Find and repeat your great habits and others will follow. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Today is when you start being your true self.

LIKE me on Facebook: BrownSupport

Subscribe to me on YouTube:Steve Brown/BrownSupport

Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

Happy New Year Ep 67

Happy New Year to everyone. Go out and make your life changes, but remember you must do them. Take action in your plans. There is greatness within all of you, but it only goes as far as you Act upon it. If you sit on your couch thinking about things, someone will come along and re-possess your couch. Get out there and make your life happen. Start those resolutions and never give up. 70% of the people who start a New Year’s Resolution stop in the first 3 weeks. Don’t be that person. Make a life change and stick with it. For things to change you must change.

LIKE me on Facebook: BrownSupport

Subscribe to me on YouTube:Steve Brown/BrownSupport

Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.


Don’t let life’s little issues weigh you down and stop you from your goals. So often we forget that time does pass and troubles will pass. Hard times are like the season in that they will change and move and when looking back we will see them from new eyes and a better, more developed mind and spirit.

Never give up.

LIKE me on Facebook: BrownSupport

Subscribe to me on YouTube:Steve Brown/BrownSupport

Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge EP 38.

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Go out and help others. Share the story and promote helping our fellow man. Here is the ALS Donation Link

LIKE me on Facebook: BrownSupport

Subscribe to me on YouTube:Steve Brown/BrownSupport

Follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

Help Out The Site: I feel it’s great to help others. I believe you want to help out and here is a way you can help me out. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.