What Did You Like Best?

So? What did you like best? Such wonderful words and an amazing question. This one question causes a person to open up to the positive and not the negative. This past weekend, I spent time in Georgia learning how to help others and share our product. The team helped me see and believe in what I have to offer. It made me see first hand the results of hard work, diligence and sacrifice.

So, “What did I like best from this past weekend training?”

  1. Fear of Loss: I’m not upset with people that say ‘No’ to me…I’m upset when they say ‘Yes’ to someone else. I don’t want to lose that prospect as much as my hope of gaining them. This should motivate us to make the right proposal and go out and get them first before they find someone else who will share with them. Also, the prospect can have Fear of Loss. They can lose our great service if they say no. They can also lose their place and they could lose the possibility of more money. They can lose by not signing up and that Fear of Loss can motivate sales for them and us.
  2. Power of Belief: The Power of Belief is what makes us bulletproof to criticism and negativity. This power needs to be recharged through helping other succeed and by going full out and not allowing others to beat you and your dream. Believe that you are helping others and know that you will pay a great price than your opponent is paying. You will succeed as long as you believe in yourself and don’t give up.
  3. 4 Words to Break Down Walls: “I am just curious…” These words followed by any question can open up a person and get you past their barriers. These words are natural and people like to help others. Your curiosity and follow up questions will give rapport to connect with the prospect. A few examples: “I am just curious, but do you like working weekends?” “I am just curious, will an extra $1,000 a month help your family?” “I am just curious, can you see yourself doing this with me?”
  4. Personal Growth: Remember, if they believe in you, they will join you. Sell yourself. You need to put your credibility on the line. If you worry about what others think, you won’t put yourself out there. You believe in what you are doing and that is the reason you can do it. With great sacrifice comes great reward and with any endeavor, you must leave your comfort zone. That’s where personal growth is key. If we stay safe and content, we never grow. We lay back and let life happen. I want to make things happen in my life. Make a commitment and follow through with it.

In the past few months, I’ve already grown and opened up my horizon to new possibilities and I owe it all to deciding that I won’t grow by staying the same. I will make something happen.

As always, Contact Me and let me help you and show you what I have to offer.


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