Toastmaster: If You Want Something Bad Enough Ep 52

I was Toastmaster for the Thoroughbred Toastmasters in Bowling Green, Ky.

If you want something bad enough – Les Brown
“If you want a thing bad enough to go out
and fight for it,
to work day and night for it,
to give up your time, your peace and your sleep for it…
if all that you dream and scheme is about it,
and life seems useless and worthless without it…
if you gladly sweat for it and fret for it and plan for it
and lose all your terror of the opposition for it…
if you simply go after that thing you want
with all of your capacity, strength and sagacity,
faith, hope and confidence and stern pertinacity…
if neither cold, poverty, famine, nor gout,
sickness nor pain, of body and brain,
can keep you away from the thing that you want…
if dogged and grim you beseech and beset it,
with the help of God, you will get it!”
—Les Brown

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