Yes Man!

The other night I needed to watch something and I decided to re-watch the 2008 Jim Carrey movie, Yes Man. And I’m glad I did. It reminded me to open myself up to talking to people. The character, Carl, said “No” to everything because he was hurt and if you don’t get your hopes up, you can’t be hurt again. However, an old friend of his invited him to a event (Sound familiar?). His friend said “Say Yes”. Carl shows up after realizing something wasn’t right in his life (sound familiar?). He was introduced to “YES” and the leader of the “YES” movement made a covenant with Carl. From this day forward, you will say “yes” to every opportunity and your life will grow and you will be happier. How many things have we said “no” to because it wasn’t the right time or because we were worried about getting hurt? Or do you tell yourself “no”, because your mind made up a negative scenario? My mind screws me up all the time. So I decided to be a Yes Man in my mind. If my mind comes up with a negative scenario, I’m trying to say “Yes” to it.

In the movie, there were some negatives that occurred from Carl saying yes to everything, but for the most part they were minor in comparison to the major positives going on around him. We will always get a few negative responses, but those are just stepping stones to our success. Also, keep in mind, “Yes” brings openness to changes in your life. “Yes” brings about possibilities. If you find yourself blocked by negative thoughts, just be a Yes Man and do it anyway. Or when a friend offers to share his new business, say “yes” to hearing about it. You can say no later, but at least you gave it a try. You may not partake, but you might be able to help him in some way. Or what about in the morning when you are tired and don’t want to get up. Say “YES” to making yourself move. The extra little positive to get going. Treat any mental block as a time to say “YES” to that opportunity; even if it’s minor. Time for me to go share my Savings and Earning with people.

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of  failure.” – Bill Cosby

Learn to say ‘no’ to the good so you can say ‘yes’ to the best.
John C. Maxwell

I only have ‘yes’ men around me. Who needs ‘no’ men?
Mae West

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