Activity Will Grow The Roots

Good day to you all. This is the first article about what I learned when I attended Eric Worre’s Network Marketing GoPro Recruiting Mastery Event that took place Dec 5th thru the 8th. It was mind changing and I really learned things to expand my beliefs. Actions speak louder than words and I will act.

Activity is an amazing thing. It cures problems. It helps others. Activity expands hope. Activity kills fear. It solves many issues and can be controlled by you on many different levels. Activity is the root of your future. All things start from the first activity.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu

If you want to accomplish anything, either a home business, a video game, just an afternoon or mowing the lawn, you must start with any activity. Activity sets you apart from the dreamers and talkers. We have the ability to imagine anything, but only those who act upon those dreams will make things happen.

They say “Dreams only become true after the man awakes.” We can sit and talk about our dreams, but only consistent action will make them reality. Consistent activity will create consistent payoff. With the dreams come hope and hope is expanded and made real when we put our action to work.

Activity also solves problems and kills fear. The little gremlins that live inside our head that spew negativity hate activity. They hate when you do something. Shut them up by doing something. If you are too busy, you don’t have time to worry and think about the fake fears going through your head. Your mind is amazing. It can imagine how high you can climb and build your wondrous future, but at the same time, it can create from nothing the fear, anxiety, and depression to stop you from building. The fears are not real. If you can’t measure something, it’s not real. Ray Higdon used his internal fear and negative thoughts as a trigger. If he felt bad about something, he called someone. He put that negative energy to use and build his future.

Consistent active over the long timeline will create the roots of your future and it all begins with action. Action shows your team and the others in your life that you are serious and you are worth following. Jeff Roberti said “People don’t watch your lips, they watch your feet.” Actions do speak louder than words and you activity speaks volumes to the people around you.

Remember; if that little voice inside your head says you can’t do something. Do it. That little voice will shut up.

Next time: The “why” is what matters.

You may Contact Me or email me at and follow me on Twitter: @brownsupportky

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