I’m going to Convention!

I’m going to Convention! Really I am. I am fortunate to have a wonderful friend and ally who is looking out for me and she has made it possible for me to get to Orlando, Florida for our Convention. With work and scheduling, I’m going to fly down on Thursday night and fly home on Sunday evening. I’m really looking forward to going. I need a recharge and at the same time I need to learn. I want to increase my knowledge so I can reach out and help my friends and neighbors. I know the local businesses and families have so much to gain from my service. I also will be able share the way to make more money for people that work hard and help others.

The Convention is a place to learn and reinvigorate from our group and team. Don’t take this lightly. Remember the old fashioned church revival? That was a way for like minded people to get together and rekindle their faith and belief. The Convention is the same thing. We come together and remind ourselves why we are here and why we help others and to prove to each other, It’s Possible.

My company uses it’s Convention to show us all the new savings we offer and more ways to share our stories. It’s gives the new blood like me the chance to rub elbows with the big leaders and movers and shakers that lead the way and stand as an example for the rest of us. As they say, If you want to go to the top, you have to go to convention. I’m going and when I get back. I will start my 90 plan. I’ll see you at the top.


You may email me at SteveBrown@BrownSupport.com. I will get back with you as soon as possible.

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