I turned 41 on the 5th of July.

I turned 41 on the 5th of July. I’m sorry for the long absence. With the 4th of July holiday festivities, time off from work and my 41st birthday, I’ve been quite busy. This weekend was interesting. We had rain every day except Sunday that caused my original plans to be canceled. So what did I do? I did something else. I was productive. I did clean up and I worked around the house. I then called some contacts and got myself moving. I ended up spending my birthday with a houseful of relatives who I don’t get to spend enough time with. I made the best of what I had at the time. Did I do everything I could have done? No, but I’m not going to beat myself up over. I enjoyed what was happening and I didn’t look at the negative. So many times, we look at what might have been and judge our situations by what we think should have happened. But, things are better for us when we look at what is and look at how things are. Focus on reality. Don’t let yourself say “If Only…”, this causes us to second guess yourself and dwell on “Might Have Been’s”.

This has been a short article, but I want you to remember, life is too short to have “If Only’s” and “Might Have Been’s”. Keep going, make things happen and don’t give up.

As always, Contact me for Saving and Earning for you, your family and business. Also, Help the site out by shopping here. Click on this link and SHOP ONLINE. That’s it.

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